All your life, you will be faced with a choice. You can choose love or hate…I choose love. (Johnny Cash)
monday eve is a singer songwriter project that invites for chilling moods inbetween unplugged instrumental styles, groovy arrangements and romantic melodies about life, love and destinies.
Inspired by various engagements and styles like classical and folk, latin and jazz, pop and rock from projects in the past we joint together to create and present music in a very unique cast: vocals accompained by guitar, accordion and violoncello.
Beside our own songwriting and arrangements. we get touched by numbers from (in europe) little known musicians like Townes van Zandt or Beth Chrisman. Our music does not stuck in one genre and our exotic instrumentation adds new flavours even to famous titles of great musicians like Tom Waits or Bob Dylan
Christina Umbreit (Accordion)
Hat in jungen Jahren mit dem Klavierspiel begonnen und schon früh das Akkordeon als das transportable Instrument entdeckt. Unverleugbar wurde sie geprägt von vielen Jahren osteuropäischer und französischer Folkmusik in verschiedenen Besetzungen - und mit großer Begeisterung bei dem neuen Abenteuer dieser Triobesetzung dabei. Im restlichen Leben Mathematikerin mit hartnäckigem Fernweh und Vorlieben für Bach, gutes Essen und alte Häuser.
Actually started with piano, but early on also discovered the accordion as the transportable instrument. Undeniably influenced by many years of Eastern European and French folk music in various formations - and has taken to the new adventure of this trio formation with great joy. In her other life she is a mathematician with a stubborn wanderlust and a penchant for Bach, good food and old houses.
Karsten Becker (Voc/Guitar)
Als Jugendlicher begann ich, mir das Gitarrespielen selbst
beizubringen. Jahre später folgte ein Studium der klassischen Gitarre und ich spielte für eine lange Zeit ausschließlich klassische Musik. Etwa 2010 begann ich damit Songs zu schreiben. Es folgten mehrere Bandprojekte. Zunächst hielt ich mich als Songwriter und Rhythmusgitarrist im Hintergrund auf. Im Jahr 2016 fing ich an zu singen - ein Umstand, der einiges änderte. Ich mag das Singer/Songwriting und die Möglichkeiten, die es einem bietet; die Freiheit, nicht festgelegt sein zu müssen. Es ist ein wunderschöner Weg Geschichten zu erzählen.
As a teenager I taught myself playing guitar. Years later I studied classical guitar and for a long time I played only classical music. Around 2010 I started writing songs, followed by multiple band projects. In the beginning I stayed in the background as a songwriter and rhythm guitarist. In
2016 I started singing. This changed a lot. I really like the possibilities that singer and song writing offers. The freedom not to have to be fixed. A beautiful way to tell stories.
Philipp Gottesleben (Cello)
Promoted by my musical family I started to play Cello in the age of five and were musically captured by Klaus Matakas at the “Musikschule Lahr” to whom I'm still greatful for the gift he gave to me. I engaged in the Landesjugendorchester Baden-Württemberg and started to step beside the classical repertoire early by learning basics of jazz piano with Wolfgang Gottwald at the “Jazz und Rockschule Freiburg”. In the last years I still enjoy classical and romantical music by playing diverse piano trios, but also discover other genres starting from baroque to oriental music, tango, swing or arranging the cello in the rock band “Misses Columbo” where I also created audio productions and music videos. I performed in collaborative projects with visual artitsts and math scientists at the Musikfestspiele Dresden or enacted with dancers in “The Swan” by C. Saint Saents at the ballet school “Semper Mobilis” of Lilia Babina in 2018. As a passionated photographer, I illustrated lot’s of ballet performances and studio work for the ballet school.